Talking Matters Blog

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OT for Everyday

Leading up to OT week we are looking at ways that OTs can help you and your child. One way is with support for ADLs “activities of daily living”.  Go to full post

Reach your p-OT-ential!

16th to 22th October is OT week and we are celebrating all month, so we will be focusing the next few posts on OT topics. We will have posts over the next few weeks on a number of OT topics. This year's theme is &qu… Go to full post

Different Thoughts, Different Feelings.

Theory of mind is the ability to understand that other people have different knowledge, thoughts and feelings to our own. Theory of mind is important for communicating effectively, developing social skills and empathy. C… Go to full post

Learning about Emotions

Understanding and managing emotions is an important part of our social development, which impacts on our ability to relate to others as well as to regulate our own behaviour. Children begin to learn about emotions very e… Go to full post

Ready for Books!

It is never to early to introduce your child to books and the sooner you do, the more time your child has to develop the skills to be ready for developing formal reading and writing skills when they start school. But if … Go to full post

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