Talking Matters Blog

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Speech, Language and School Success

Literacy skills including reading, reading comprehension, written language and spelling are vital skills that affect children's success in all areas of learning at school. Literacy is the way that children access in… Go to full post

Welcome to 2017!

Welcome to the New Year! We have lots in store this year and look forward to providing all kinds of supports and services to help kids reach their potential. Read on to see what Talking Matters can offer you or your chi… Go to full post

Best of 2016!

2016 has been a busy year. Every week we have shared information with the families and colleagues we work with; as well as parents and professionals all over the world; to help kids learn and develop to their potential. … Go to full post

Christmas fun 2016!

School holidays are not far away and Christmas is on the way. Talking Matters would like share some Christmas activities that your family can enjoy together. These activities are fun but are also a way to help your ki… Go to full post

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