Talking Matters Blog

Page 35 of 92.

Supporting Fussy Eaters

Eating is an easy, enjoyable and natural thing for most children, but for some eating can be hard. They may struggle to manage food or avoid eating. There are many reasons why eating can be hard for kids.  A number of T… Go to full post

Developing Self Care Skills

Activities of Daily Living (ADLs) include the things that children normally complete as part of their everyday lives. An important group of these activities includes things children do as they learn to care for themselv… Go to full post

Learning to Move

As parents we wait in anticipation for our child to take their first steps; ready to snap photos and jot down ages and dates in baby books. Those first steps are a kind of rite of passage from being a baby to being a ch… Go to full post

Supporting Kid's Speech

Do you know a child who needs support for speech skills? Children with speech delays and disorders can struggle with social interactions and sometimes behaviour due to the frustration and isolation of not being able to… Go to full post

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