Talking Matters Blog

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Games for Travelling

Are you travelling back from holidays with the kids, or even just stuck inside during the wet weather? Families spend lots of time in the car, whether for a day trip or on a longer adventure or just to appointments or sh… Go to full post

Eating challenges

Eating is an easy, enjoyable and natural thing for most children, but for some eating can be hard. They may struggle to manage food or avoid eating. There are many reasons why eating can be hard for kids.  A number of T… Go to full post

Learning to eat

Learning to eat is a complex process and children develop the skills they need gradually over time. Below is a list of the skills children develop at different ages and some ideas for helping children learn these skills.… Go to full post

Learning to manage emotions

Understanding and managing emotions is an important part of our social development, which impacts on our ability to relate to others as well as to regulate our own behaviour. Children begin to learn about emotions very e… Go to full post

Language for Literacy

At Talking Matters we know learning literacy skills is crucial for school success. We also know that literacy is challenging for many of the children we support who have developmental challenges. Find out how you can sup… Go to full post

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