Talking Matters Blog

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Self esteem

How do I develop good self esteem in my child with learning difficulties? Working with children with communication or learning based difficulties often means that parents, therapists, teachers and support staff are worki… Go to full post

What is a paediatrician?

A key role of the paediatrician is to acknowledge and respond to developmental and behavioural concerns as early as possible. This involves a partnership with parents and starts with an assessment of a child’s general … Go to full post

All about questions

Sometimes parents are concerned that their child has difficulty answering questions. One moment they seem to answer a question well, the next moment they give an incorrect answer or do not answer at all.This is because n… Go to full post

Books and puppets

Looking for fun ways to keep the kids busy and learning over the cold, wet weekends. Why not try some books and puppets.Sharing a book with a child is a calming and bonding way to help your child learn.  Babies love… Go to full post

Show and tell

“Show and tell” or “news time” is a regular part of the school routine and a valuable opportunity to develop language skills but it can be a difficult task for children with speech, language, learning or social … Go to full post

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