Talking Matters Blog

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3 year old questions

Earlier we looked at teaching your child to answer the simplest level one questions. Level two is the second most simple of the four levels of questions and typically develops in three year olds. At this level children … Go to full post

Boost brain power!

You are what you eat! More importantly, you are what you think because of what you eat.There is significant research about the importance of diet in the functioning of our brain. We have known for some time about the imp… Go to full post

3 1/2 year olds

Three and a half year olds are becoming confident communicators. They are speaking in sentences and unfamiliar listeners can understand most of what they say. Here are some ideas to develop your child’s communication … Go to full post

Beginning questions

A previous post looked at different types of questions children learn to answer, moving from concrete to abstract. This post looks at the simplest level of questions which begin to develop in toddlers.  Most children ar… Go to full post

What is Dyspraxia?

Children with speech or coordination problems are sometimes said to have “dyspraxia” but what does this mean and what can help? Dyspraxia is defined as as “an impairment or immaturity of the organization of movem… Go to full post

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