Talking Matters Blog

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10 ways to boost your superpowers!

Therapists work hard to help kids learn and develop but they can't do it alone! We need to work together with families to make a real difference to kids lives. An hour or so of  therapy alone can make some differen… Go to full post

10 tips for special mums

Being a mum is a tough job, but it is even tougher when one or more of your children have special needs. It is hard for mums to take then time out to care for themselves when their child's needs seem so important… Go to full post

10 Tips for ASD at school

Whether you are a teacher, child care worker or support worker you want the children in your care to get as much learning from the time you spend together as possible. Whether you are in a classroom or small group settin… Go to full post

A mum's 10 ASD therapy tips

At Talking Matters we believe that working in partnership with parents is the most effective way to work with children with ASD (and any other kids too). We don't have a magic wand that we use when do therapy, rathe… Go to full post

15 ASD homework tips

Children’s sensory systems can often be overwhelmed after a busy, noisy day at school.  Before children settle in to do their homework they often benefit from preparing their sensory system so they can settle and conc… Go to full post

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