Talking Matters Blog

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12 ways to pretend at 3 years

Last week we looked at how pretend play begins in toddlers. Now we will look at how it develops further, with more complexity in three year olds. Go to full post

7 ways to begin pretending

Children have an in-built need to play which begins when they are babies. Play is vital for developing language, thinking, motor skills and social skills. As children grow and develop the type of play they enjoy change… Go to full post

Learn by playing? Imagine that!

It looks simple, but it is also so valuable. Kids really do learn lots and lots of skills just by playing. If parents can take time out from their busy lives to play too the learning will be even better and so will the r… Go to full post

Tantrums and meltdowns 101

All parents have been there at some time, the screaming child, face down on the shopping centre floor while shoppers look on with that "do something with that child look". I still remember when my first child, … Go to full post

10 waiting room skills

At Talking Matters we are passionate about parents making the most of teachable moments to help children learn. For children who visit us regularly whether for therapy or because they are waiting for a sibling, time spen… Go to full post

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