Talking Matters Blog

Page 41 of 92.

Playing together 101

The ability to play together with other children is a skill that children develop over time. Some children such as those with developmental delays or autism spectrum disorder may find this particularly challenging. Child… Go to full post

Handwriting Help

Many children struggle with learning handwriting. Handwriting is a skill that is important throughout school. Younger students face the challenge of learning letter shapes, while older students face the challenge of writ… Go to full post

Learning dressing skills

Getting kids dressed can be a battle for some families which they have to deal with everyday. For most families that rush time in the morning is the worst time of the day to be having battles with kids.We all know the di… Go to full post

Looking after Mum

Being a mum is a tough job, but it is even tougher when one or more of your children have special needs. It is hard for mums to take then time out to care for themselves when their child's needs seem so important… Go to full post

A Good Night's Sleep

It seems timely, in celebration of National Autism Awareness Month, to devote a blog post to sleep. Go to full post

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