Talking Matters Blog

Page 31 of 92.

Helping fussy and reluctant eaters

Sometimes children can be fussy eaters and reluctant to try new foods. There are many reasons why children may refuse certain foods including the way the food looks or the feel of the food on the child’s hands or in th… Go to full post

Helping Preschool Stuttering

Are you looking for support for a young child who stutters? The Lidcombe program may be what you need. It has been developed in Australia through many years of research and is now used all over the world, and it has been… Go to full post

Stuttering 101

Stuttering or dysfluency is something that most people have heard of but may not fully understand. There are many myths around stuttering. Stuttering is not related to the child’s personality or intelligence and is no… Go to full post

Art Therapy 101

Children love art but did you know that art can be more than just a fun way to fill in some time. When children work with a qualified art therapist are can be a way to improve a person’s physical, mental and emotional … Go to full post

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