Talking Matters Blog

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Top 10 speech ideas

If you are waiting for an assessment or for speech therapy for your child, or just want your child to speak more clearly here are some simple things that can make a real difference to their speech development.1. Talk to… Go to full post

Verbs and conjunctions

Verb tenses and conjunctions are two of the most commonly misused grammatical markers for school children and are essential for speaking, reading and writing well.Verb tenses modify a verb to give us information about t… Go to full post

What is PDD-NOS?

PDD-NOS was a form of autism spectrum disorder diagnosed prior to the new DSMV being released ?  How was it diagnosed and how can parents help their child with this diagnosis? PDD-NOS stands for “pervasive developmen… Go to full post

Weekend play dough

Play dough is an old favourite but a great activity that is cheap and kids can learn so much from it. Your child can learn action words, concepts of size, shape, texture and colour, develop pretend play skills and deve… Go to full post

Pronouns and plurals

Two of the most commonly misused grammatical markers for preschool children are pronouns and plurals. There are ways that parents, teachers and carers can help children learn to use these correctly.Pronouns stand in plac… Go to full post

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