Talking Matters Blog

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ASD and visuals

For autism awareness month we are reporting some of our most popular posts on autism. This one looks at using visuals, one of the best ways to support kids with ASD in so many situations. Today the focus is on preschoole… Go to full post

Autism awareness day

Today is Autism Awareness day so it seems a good time to repost our recent blog on autism awareness. As autism is a spectrum disorder even knowing one person with autism does not mean you know autism as people with aut… Go to full post

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapy is often recommended for children with special needs, but what is occupational therapy and what do OT's do? Occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting h… Go to full post

Speech development

Sometimes it is hard to know when to be concerned about a child's speech and when to "wait and see". Often parents are given different advice by well meaning people such as "boys are sl… Go to full post

Calm, alert and learning

Whether you are a parent, teacher, child care worker, support worker or therapist you want the children in your care to get as much learning from the time you spend together as possible. Whether you are in a classroom, s… Go to full post

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