Talking Matters Blog

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Give books for Xmas

Parents often ask what are good ideas for things to get their child for Christmas to help develop their learning and development. Go to full post

ASD friendly Christmas

Christmas means family, friends, parties, presents, food, music, lights, decorations, Santa and lots of hugs. Everything looks and sounds different, from decorations at home to Christmas music in the shops. Routines cha… Go to full post

OT for school

One of the things that OT can really help with is helping school kids be calm, alert and ready to learn. Whether you are a parent, teacher, child care worker, support worker or therapist you want the children in your car… Go to full post

OT helps kids move!

As we begin OT week 2015 we will look at how kids develop motor skills and how OTs can help kids who find movement challenging. Motor skills are divided into two areas, gross motor skills, which includes large body movem… Go to full post

Help with ADLs

Leading up to OT week we are looking at ways that OTs can help you and your child. One way is with support for ADLs "activities of daily living".  Go to full post

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