Talking Matters Blog

Page 25 of 92.

Developing communication skills in school aged children

When children start school their language skills still continue to develop and the stronger their language skills are, the better they will progress, especially with subjects such as reading, writing and spelling. Go to full post

Why do services cost what they do?

Sometimes people wonder why speech pathology, occupational therapy and other allied health services cost as much as they do.  The hourly rates cover many costs in providing the service beyond just wages which we will ex… Go to full post

Pretend play

Children have an in-built need to play which begins when they are babies. Play is vital for developing language, thinking, motor skills and social skills. As children grow and develop the type of play they enjoy changes … Go to full post

Second part in our serices of school holiday activities

Last week we posted our first part in our series of school holiday activities.  We trust that you and your families have had fun experimenting with these activities.  Here is the next list of activities for you to try … Go to full post

School holiday ideas for children

At Talking Matters we believe learning to communicate should be enjoyable for children and their families.   In the next two blogs we’ve included lots of ideas on how these activities can be used to develop childrenâ… Go to full post

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