Talking Matters New Website

Our new Talking Matters website is live and we’re really pleased to present a fresh and modern look with enhanced content and features. Our new website is 100% responsive, which means it looks fantastic on mobile, tablet, laptop and desktop – to help you find exactly what you are looking for!

Our main aim at Talking Matters is to provide our clients with the best possible support and service, so feel free to check out our newly categorised Services, Group Programs and Resources pages as well as our fantastic new online Referral Checklists (to help you decide if your child should be referred).

We’ve also put all useful appointment, fees and FAQ information under a new What You Need to Know section, and our Blog now has a much more focused tagging system (so you can quickly find related blog posts).

Want to find out more about Talking Matters? Head over to our Why Choose Us section where you can Meet the Talking Matters Team, find out more about our Assessment process, and even what Job Vacancies we have.

Finally, we’d love to hear any feedback on our new website, so please use our online Contact form to send us a message.

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