Case Study Thon Alou

Thon Alou came to Talking Matters as an NDIS recipient. Thon is six years old, speaks English as a second language and has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Recently one of Talking Matters occupational therapists performed a general re-assessment using developmental screening techniques to identify appropriate methods of treatment for Thon. Previous to this, Thon was exhibiting challenging behaviours and required a parent, an occupational therapist and a speech pathologist to be present in the room for therapy sessions. Thon was also observed to have difficulties with concentration, gross and fine motor skills and basic school-based skills, such as identifying colours correctly.

Talking Matters’ team of an occupational therapist and speech pathologist, worked with Thon and his parents to develop and reinforce calming and regulatory techniques to assist Thon. Today, Thon is able to have full therapy sessions one on one without his parents or additional therapists present. He has improved his ability to express himself, including letting us know which activities he prefers to do in sessions. Well done Thon!

* Please note that Thon Alou is not this child's real name and a stock image has been used to protect his identity. His story has been shared with the consent of his family.

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