Case Study - James' experience with TM's group "Connecting Through My AAC"

James attended Talking Matters' ‘Connecting Through My AAC’ group in January 2019. This program was designed for children who are using augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) such as the Proloquo2Go (Prolo), to have opportunities to use their AAC with other children in a social setting.

James is 9 years old, he has a language disorder in association with an Intellectual Disability. He attends regular speech pathology and occupational therapy sessions with Talking Matters. James was frustrated in not being able to communicate with others, but was struggling to engage with his AAC (Prolo). His mother registered James in the group in hope that he would gain confidence in using his Prolo.

Following the group, James is now more willing to use his Prolo. His mother explained that as James thought he was the only one who talked with an ipad, it was key for him to see other children using Prolo just like him! James is happier now that he is able to communicate through Prolo. He is looking forward to attend the group again in the future.

Find out more about the up coming groups here.

* Please note that a stock image has been used to protect James' identity. His story has been shared with the consent of his family.

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