Case Study - Brock's experience with TM's school readiness group program

Brock attended the January 2019 Talking Matters "School Readiness" group program. This program was designed based on feedback from families wanting more opportunities for their children to be supported when starting school.

Brock is 6 years of age and has a diagnosis of Global Developmental Delay. He attends regular speech pathology and occupational therapy with Talking Matters. Brock's mother registered him for the group program in the hope that it would help better prepare him transitioning from kindergarten to school and to develop his concentration skills to attend to table top activities.

Following the group program, Brock is now more able to talk about his day, describe what activities he participated in and concentrate for a longer period of time to attend to table top activities. Brock was initially hesitant about participating in the groups, however after the first day Brock was eager to return. Well done Brock!

Find out more about the up coming school readiness programs here.

* Please note that Brock is not this child's real name and a stock image has been used to protect his identity. His story has been shared with the consent of his family.

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