Best of 2015!

As we finish up the school holidays, take the chance to review any posts you may have missed during the year. Here are our most popular posts for 2015:

1. Why 20% of kids struggle! This post looks at why children with speech and language delays struggle to progress at school and gives some ideas on how to support them. If you read this post and are concerned about your child's speech and language skills give us a call. We have some new speech pathologists on board which means no waiting time for speech and language assessments or therapy.

2. Get ready for the school year.

  • 15 homework tips. This post is aimed at kids with ASD but will work for other kids too. Why not have a read and set your child up for success in the new school year?
  • Get ready for literacy! Ways to help your child be ready to succeed!
  • Get ready for sounds! How to help your child understand sounds, ready for reading and spelling.
  • Moving on with sounds! The next steps in developing literacy skills.

Worried about your child's progress with reading, writing or spelling? Our speech pathologist can help children learn the skills they need.

3. All about OT. For OT week we had a whole month on how OT can help kids. We have two new OTs this year which means minimal wait time for assessments and therapy. See how OT can help.

  • Celebrate OT! All about what OT can do.
  • Why an OT assessment? What can an OT assessment tell you about your child?
  • Help with activities of daily living! Did you know OT can help with sleeping, dressing, toileting and more?
  • OT helps kids move! OT can help kids develop fine and gross motor skills.
  • OT for school. OT can help kids at school to be calm, focused and ready to learn.

4. Posts about parents!

  • A mum's tips for ASD This post was special because it was written by one of our parents and tells how she has supported her child with ASD to achieve his best. It's full of loads of practical, family friendly ideas.
  • 10 reasons to celebrate Dad. A special post for Father's Day to remind us how important Dad's are for kids.
  • It takes superpowers to raise a child with special needs. Find out how you can boost your superpowers here!
  • 10 waiting room skills. Do you spend time in the waiting room at Talking Matters or somewhere else? Find out how you can turn waiting time into learning time.

5. Tantrums and meltdowns! All kids have them from time to time and for some managing these can be a real challenge. Get some helpful tips here!

6. Lots of posts on play. We had a whole month of posts on play because kids play skills are so important for their development and learning. Check the post that best suits your child's age or developmental level:

  • Learn by play, imagine that! All about imaginative play and how to help your child develop this important skill.
  • 7 ways to begin pretending. Tips for babies, toddler and kids at the early stages of their play development.
  • 12 ways to pretend at 3 years. Tips for three year olds and those moving on with their pretending skills.
  • 10 more ways to pretend. For four and five year olds and those developing more complex pretend play.

7. All about our senses. A series of posts on senses, sensory integration and supporting kids with sensory issues.

  • Our 9 senses, yes 9! An overview of all the different senses and how we use them.
  • Sensory processing 101 All about sensory processing disorder, what is it and how to help.
  • 30 sensory strategies. Lots of ideas for different types of sensory issues.

Our OTs can help with sensory issues to. See how OT can help.

8. Talk with me! This was the theme for Speech Pathology week but because talking with kids is so important we had a whole month on this theme.

  • Talk with me from the beginning! Ideas for talking with babies and toddlers.
  • Talk with me as I grow! Ideas for talking with preschoolers.
  • Talk with me about books! Ideas for sharing books with kids.
  • Talk with me now I'm at school. Ideas for talking with school aged kids.
  • Talk with me about friends and feelings. Ideas for talking with kids to help social and emotional development.

9. What to do with all that Lego! Is your house full of Lego from Christmas. Find out how to use it to help your child learn.

Talking Matters provides speech pathology and occupational therapy for children of all ages. If you would like to work with our great team in our bright, child-friendly, therapy space at Elizabeth Downs find out more about Talking Matters and by checking our website or calling our office on (08) 8255 7137. There are also lots of great activity ideas on the Talking Matters Pinterest page. To keep up to date with new tips and ideas follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

If you are concerned about your child's development including play skills, motor or sensory skills, communication skills, social skills or learning check our website to see how Talking Matters may be able to help.

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2014 round up.

Resources for kids.

Why Talking Matters?

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