2014 round up!

Here's a summary of all our posts of 2014! Just in case you missed any here's a list of all our posts for 2014 to help you help kids with their learning and development, from the Talking Matters team!

Activities and play ideas! Looking for something to do with the kids? Here are some ways to have fun and learn at the same time.

5 sunny day ideas

5 preschool Christmas crafts

Top 10 toddler toys

25 ways to pretend

Speech, language and communication. Here are some tips from our speechies. If you want more here is a link to all our posts on speech and language.

10 speech tips

preschool language 101

Why use PECS?

Procedures 12 ways

Favourite fluency resources

Tips for school aged kids. Find out how to help your child be ready for school, make a positive start and succeed as well as what to do if you need some help.

How to be school ready

10 school report worries

50 pre writing skills tips

50 ready to read ideas

Tips for handwriting

10 school ready tips

Sharing news

Ready for school

Literacy. Find out how kids learn to read and write and what to do if you child needs extra help.

Emergent literacy

Multi-sensory words

Books for literacy

Starting sound awareness

More sound awareness

About dyslexia

Social skills. Help your child be happy and confident and learn to get along with others.

How to help kids emotions

How to get along

7 social skills tips

10 tips for social play

Kids feeling good?

Confidence for kids

Social skill resources

Motor, sensory and daily living skills. Tips from our OTs on all those practical, day to day activities.

Motor planning 101

35 motor tips from OTs

learn outdoors 40 ways

9 strong kid ideas

Strong hands and fingers

50 activities for senses


What are ADLs?

Autism Spectrum Disorders. We have a special interest in kids with ASD at Talking Matters. Here are some of our top tips for helping them shine!

14 questions about ASD

30 strategies for ASD

25 tips for talking diagnosis

10 tips for high functioning ASD

Strategies for parents. Ideas for helping your kids and help you too!

Using praise

10 ways visuals help

Do you care for you?

About services for kids with special needs. For when you need some extra help.

What does an OT do?

OT assessment 101

Do we need NDIS?

FAQ about speech pathology

FAQ about therapy

Whats the cost?

The Talking Matters team would like to thank all the children and the families we work with, our colleagues, readers and followers for their support in 2014. We look forward to working with you in 2015.

To keep in touch with new information and ideas about children's communication you can follow this blog, join us on Twitter and Facebook. Our pintrest page has lots of great fun and learning activities for kids. Find some more ideas and information on our website.

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